IT, Engineering, & Emerging Tech

GOVA Region 2’s IT, Engineering, and Emerging Tech cluster has strengths in IT services, manufacturing of computer and electrical components, and professional engineering services. Much of these private sector strengths are supported by public sector, particularly university, strengths. These industries support the maintenance and development of emerging software and hardware technologies from cybersecurity and blockchain to artificial intelligences, machine learning, alternative energy, and component systems. Not only do these businesses and related occupations develop and grow this cluster, but they also support the growth of other target clusters and industries across Region 2.
Companies include but are not limited to 1901 Group, AECOM, Apex Systems, BAE Systems, Biznet Technologies, Bullish, CAC Tech Services, Corning, Exelaration, GE Digital, Harris Corporation, Hurt & Proffitt, Innovation Wireless Tech, KlariVis, MicroHarmonics, MODEA, MOVA Technologies, New River Computing, Peraton, and TRC.
Prioritized Strategies and Activities
- Develop clear career pathways from entry through senior level employment to illustrate a lifetime of career opportunities in the region.
- Identify and implement strategies for attracting and retaining remote workers in the region.
- Identify, implement, and support innovative strategies for worker retention.
- Implement talent retention and attraction programs centered on local universities and regions currently drawing talent from this region.
- Catalyze technology adoption and development among cluster businesses (e.g. AI, machine learning, augmented and virtual realities, cobots, data sciences and analytics, and existing catalogued university IP in the region).
- Identify cluster needs among SBIR Phase I and II recipients in the region.
- Streamline methods of commercializing university intellectual property.
- Increase technical, engineering and industry-driven training among in-demand occupations.
- Improve IT career awareness and advanced level computer science programming among K-12 students, particularly in underserved communities.
- Increase amount or accessibility to quasi-industrial, flexible spaces for small cluster businesses
- Have higher education institutions prioritize or highlight regional employers in their career fairs and other employment events.