1. What is your career history?

I was a Marine officer for 20 years serving both overseas and in the US. I learned a lot of life lessons from the hardships others faced in undeveloped countries as well as the bravery and honor of those who served in combat. I also worked in different engineering fields consisting of large projects overseas. I own my own engineering firm with a strong focus on helping veterans' organizations and medical centers.

2. Were there any life lessons you learned from the Marines?

From the Marines, I learned the value of developing trust in subordinates and the importance of leading by example. You never want to tell someone to do something that you wouldn’t do yourself.

3. What was your first job and what did it teach you?

When I was 16, I worked a job pouring concrete and was the only English speaking person. Our crew was the hardest working team in the company with the highest productivity. I learned the importance of working with different cultures and the tremendous work ethic of those working in the blue-collar industry.

4. What is your favorite part of being Executive Director of CERE labs?

I love watching students and faculty achieve something they didn’t think was possible; it is very rewarding. Seeing their face light up, they’re proud of themselves and they should be.

5. What inspired you to become involved in the CERE lab project?

My father was an engineer and is my best friend who helped develop my interest in engineering. In regards to the Center, and the work we pursue, I want to share lessons and opportunities with students and faculty to enable them to achieve new skills and develop competencies to prepare them for future employment. One phrase we often use is ‘over the horizon training’ which simply means, possessing the skills to meet tomorrow's demands.

6. Do you have any advice for those wanting a job in the STEM fields?

It’s important to work hard, never give up, be humble, be teachable and have positive influences in your life. It is also important to remember when you fail, you must get up and try again; here is where some of the greatest lessons are learned.

7. How have students furthered their careers through CERE labs?

Many firms are interested in students due to their skills but also their tremendous work ethic; these firms include BWXT, Framatome, Belvac, NovaTech, and Southern Air.

8. How have the CERE and AMPL programs had to change due to COVID19?

The labs are fully operational; 24 hours a day are spent using 3D printers to make face masks and shields to mitigate the threat of COVID-19.

9. What plans do you have for CERE and AMPL labs in the future?

We have plans to pursue additional opportunities with industry and to further help students develop the future skills needed to make them relevant today and into the future.

10. What is your favorite activity/hobby to do outside of work?

I enjoy physical fitness. We also have a small farm and live in a log cabin; we enjoy farm work and watching our cattle, chicken, and turkeys roam our farm.