Brian Hamilton has worked in economic development since 1996, serving as economic development specialist for Roanoke County, economic development manager for the city of Austin, Texas, and now as economic development director for Montgomery County. Before his career in economic development, he was a police officer for three years. He has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Virginia Tech and a Masters of Business Administration from Radford University. The Falling Branch Corporate Park Phase II Regional Site Development project will build upon a regional 35-acre site, raising it from a Virginia Economic Development Partnership Tier 4 to a Tier 5. The project will entail grading one 20-acre graded pad; installing water, sewer, natural gas, and stormwater; extending electricity; and constructing a road leading to the site.

1. What is your favorite part of your role as economic development director for Montgomery County?

It is the diversity of things I get to do. We do everything from existing industry visits and product development to new industry attraction and workforce development. It is this spread of different items that allows me to always stay interested.

2. What inspired the Falling Branch Corporate Park Phase II project?

In 2012, our 46-acre pad in Montgomery County was filled. As a result, we only had a 16.9-acre pad available, and a new company wanted a minimum of 25 acres. So, we looked to an adjacent land owner and bought an additional 125 acres – which this project is focused on – so we could continue to grow the park and add jobs.

3. What have you accomplished with the project so far and what steps do you plan to take?

We worked with Federal Express to construct a 251,000-square-foot distribution center that cost about 37 million dollars to build. We are currently working on site plans and will bid them out in January.

4. Can you tell me about the long-term vision you have for the site?

The long-term vision for the site is a 300,000 square foot building plus stormwater. In 3-5 years, I see us having the road leading to the site, water, sewer, and fiber installed, the pad graded, and hopefully a prospect sitting on it.

5. Who are the partners you are working with on this project and what do you like most about working with them?

We're working with the Town of Christiansburg and the Montgomery County Economic Development Authority (EDA). The EDA plays the development role for the county. The Town of Christiansburg contributed water and sewer to get to Phase I, and they also provided $300,000 for water and sewer for Phase II. The partnership between the Town, County, and the EDA is extremely important.

6. What is your favorite part of being a GO Virginia grantee?

The state shares on a local level the funds that are needed. We're going to put $4.2 million into this project plus $324,000 from GO Virginia and $300,000 from the Town of Christiansburg. GO Virginia helps us get across the finish line as far as cost is concerned.

7. What is the most memorable place you’ve ever visited?

The Grand Canyon.

8. What hobbies and activities do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, and hiking.