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Stopping the Brain Drain Strategy Development

Talent Development, Attraction, and Retention
Stopping the Brain Drain Strategy Development Poster
Began reporting FY18Q3; Project completed FY20Q1

Localities: All Region 2 localities

Stopping the Brain Drain Strategy Development (Enhanced Capacity Building) worked through the Roanoke Regional Partnership (RRP) to develop a complete talent attraction and retention program for the GO Virginia Region 2 service area. The project examined the challenges of attracting talent from the 25 colleges and universities in the region and retaining young professionals. The project also investigated challenges faced by regional employers in recruiting talent and other concerns in developing talent-focused programs of work. The Region 2 service area has a wealth of available talent for a variety of different fields but fails to keep many in the region post-graduation. There is, however, little data or information on why this challenge exists. Stopping the Brain Drain sought to overcome the gap and create a Talent Action Coalition to serve as an action platform in the implementation of retaining talent in the region.

For more information, please email Erin Burcham.